2018 Candela Gentlemax Pro 1.5-3,6-18,20-24mm hand pieces
2018 Candela Gentlemax Pro with new lamps on Alex and Yag. Feel free to reach out with any questions.
Alex and Yag lamps will be replaced upon purchase and a full service report can be provided.
Under 7 million total pulses
6-18mm hand piece
1.5-3mm hand piece
20-24mm hand piece
12,15,18mm focus lens
6,8,10mm focus lens
(1) foot pedal
(1) eyewear
(1) box 18mm distance gauges
(3) 6/8mm distance gauges
(4) 12mm distance gauges
(3) 15mm distance gauges
*1.5-3mm hand piece can be added please message for details*